Thursday, 12 November 2015

Logo analysis break down

1.     Semiotics , Anchorage-
2.     denotation ad connotation.
3.     (Signified)Denotation is the actual meaning or what you see.
4.     Connotations (signifier)
Hidden meaning or what is represents? Concept
Or what the messages are

. FedEx-federal express
Delivery carrier
Recognise its global institution.
The colours with the purple and the orange very well known

Baskin and robins logo very well known for its fonts and use of size with its hidden number.

Amazon well known colour and its yellow smiley
They will sell you anything from a-z
Henceforth the name Amazon with a smiley face.

initial idea for logo

Daisy Abeka
Initial idea for a logo
Decide on what type of logo you want to design
Identify the media sector you would design this for, moving image print interactive combination
Discuss and explain the audience for your product
Start with the initial sketches and ideas. Scan for photograph sketches for this
Plan using a range of applications and the file formats for your graphic logo.
.My ideal logo I’m designing is a print image logo that can be used on clothing, or be put in magazines. The name of my brand will be called “ACE APPAREL”
.This brand will be a unisex brand aimed specifically aimed at 13-25’s. As this is the young age where fashion appeals to this audience more. Teens and young adults love fashion and love to have a style of their own. Fashions for teens and young adults are a huge business and will continue to grow because this business has staying power. Teens and young adults change sizes and preferences right along with the trends, as well as wanting to keep up with fun styles that fit their personalities. This creates continuous additional business.
File formats which will be used for the logo.
For my file format I would be using either print image. Meaning it can be used in magazines or on clothings. I have chosen this specific audfience for a reason,and thereofore have decided that my logo design will be a simple, logo wich can be appealing to the wide range of audience I have chosen to aim it at.
In order for this logo to be sucesful I would be using adobe photo shop in order to create my ideal logo for my audience.
I would be trying out different fonts, colours, and images to bring forth my initial idea I have for my logo.